I have a slightly older copy than the current one on your site. I tried selecting the EFI check box on or off in the case of lubuntu with no change in outcome. Lubuntu6.0.5 amd 64 (a light weight version of ubintu) The sticks were created on a different computer (an i3 running el capitan).
there was no other option visible.Ĭreated USB sticks for 3 different 64 bit distros and one 32 bit distro but they would not appear at boot time on a macbook 2006 core 2 duo that has 10.6 OSX installed. The boot menu showed only the main HDD and the Recovery Disk (part of the 10.6 OS install). I expected the USB stick to appear in the menu selector for the boot drive. (the ports and the sticks are good).Īfter creating the sticks on one mac (running e-capitan) I put them into the core2duo mad and held the option key down as I booted. I was unable to get the mac to see any of 4 distros on 3 different USB sticks, trying all USB ports on the computer.
Option to boot into usb linux was not available during the Mac's boot process.